I am a 27 years old PhD student at the Polytechnic Institute of Paris, working on software supply chain security. Formerly, I was a theoretical computer science student at École Normale Supérieure. My other academical interests are diverse and include computer security, networking, programming langages theory, type theory, and much more.
I am also a FOSS developer and a NixOS enthusiast and contributor. I've notably worked on the NixOS boot story with improvements on unattended boot security. I'm also maintaining a port of the Proxmox hypervisor on NixOS. My other technical interests are multiple: trusted computing, boot security, hardware security devices, the RISC-V architecture, micro-VMs, etc.
I try to reduce as much as possible my dependence to proprietary software by self-hosting most of the software I use on a daily basis. This has led me to develop a passion for server infrastructure and I am hosting a highly available, hyper-converged cluster at home.
I’m interested in all aspects of computer science, from the most technical and low level stuff to more strategic and big picture issues. As such, I’ve worked in the past for the french ministry for ecological transition and am interested into putting my digital skills in the service of the public good.
I’m available for freelance work.